David Greenaway Univ. Lond. Inst. Ed, Cert Ed. C.P.Y.B.
Attended Kingswood School (“… exactly like Hogwarts without the magic”), subsequently graduating at Southlands College of the University of London.
He was struck by the intellectual divide between Students of Arts and Sciences, his hero being Leonardo Da Vinci who excelled at both. Fortunately, as an Independent Boarding School, Kingswood was able to accommodate his wish to study both at Advanced level.
As “Observatory Secretary ” of the K.S. Astronomical Association he was in charge of the full size rotating Observatory and telescope which had been donated by Sir J.Arthur Rank and supervised the K.S. contribution to an international study of Jupiter for a couple of years.
He also enjoyed participating and learning from the high quality dramatic productions which are part of the K.S. tradition, Having been coached by fellow pupil John (Now Lord) Watson while in the junior house. Later competing against Tim Curry for the prestigious Punshon Reading Prize. Tim won, but gracefully stood aside the next year, to give David the prize.
While there he joined The Royal Yachting Association and attended a practical course in Sailing and Navigation on board the Brixham Trawler “Provident”, Cruising to Guernsey and France.
Later, having been persuaded by a girlfriend to apply to MENSA, his IQ was certified under supervised test as being 157.